
My blog is going to be based on things that influence me and other people, such as role models, social networking, the media, and entertainment.

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Mom, The Ultimate Role Model

Okay, so based off the title of this blog, you probably know who I am basing this post off of. Just kidding, who wants to hear about someone rambling on about all the nice things their mother did for them. Of course, everyone in their own way views their parents or guardians as role models, in both negative and positive ways, but this post is going to be about a universal role model, Kim Kardashian and the rest of the Kardashian clan. Their claim to fame is their hit show on E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians, chronicling their lives into petty yet for some reason interesting and entertaining 44 minute blocks. She has two sisters, 25 year old Khloe, 31 year old Kourtney, two half sisters, 16 and 14 year old, respectively,  Kendall and Kylie, and a younger brother, 24 year old Robert. The matriarch of the family, Kris Jenner, acts as their support system and manager for all their careers, and Bruce Jenner, a former Olympic gold medalist, plays the conservative down to earth dad with everyone's well being in mind. Kim is known for her bodacious curves. She and her sisters have their own clothing line, perfume, nail polish, and Kim also dabbles in singing, acting, and does a great deal of modelling. However, it is widely known that really, she isn't good at anything and her career is just being rich. And because she's rich, she get richer, simple as that. She's a spoiled brat who doesn't appreciate what she has and the constant drama she encounters and provokes on the show clarifies the fact that money did not make her a better person. She was recently involved in a 72 day marriage to the Nets player Kris Humphries. On the outside, the marriage seemed shallow and not well thought out, and ended on an equally bad note. However, I do not consider Kim a role model because she is beautiful or rich or glamorous. No, I think she is an influence for the main reason that she represents the fact that money truly does not buy happiness. None of them look especially happy; Kourtney has constant relationship problems with longtime boyfriend Scott, Kim got divorced after 3 months. For the hottest woman in the world, it's still pretty hard for her to find love. Kendall and Kylie look exactly the same. Rob graduated from college and still has no idea what he wants to do with his life. Khloe is negative about everything in life. Kris Jenner is money hungry controlling mean lady, and Bruce, well Bruce is married to Kris. I watch the show every Sunday religiously, and never once does the thought ever cross my mind "Hey, I'd like to be one of them".


  1. Wait, so would people rather hear about the Kardashians than you writing about your own mom? Why are they more worth hearing about than your mom?

  2. I was excited to see in the first few sentences that you weren't gonig to be talking about your Mom, but was even less excited to find out you'd be talking about the Kardashians. I really don't care for them either, and you bring up some great points as to why they are somewhat of an anti-role model. They're rich and famous, and not to mention but also will probably have dozens of opportunities you and I will never have in life, but they don't have much going for them. I don't think anyone on a reality show could ever be taken seriously in the professional world ever again, nevermind someone such as Kim Kardashian who's rise to fame began with a sex tape.

  3. I agree the Kardashians are not good role models, especially Kim. She's so obnoxious all the time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow! I really enjoyed reading this piece, I found it extremely insightful. I never really liked thinkng of how people perceived shows like Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but I know that the model on the front page of Cosmo is, more often than not, someone people look up to. Your writing shines light on the fact that people are able to formulate different ideas when given the same base; this is encouraging, especially in today's society. Finally, I like that you are able to use the Kardashians' lifestlye to further enjoy and comprehend your own, it wouldn't be bad if more people thought like this once in a while.
