
My blog is going to be based on things that influence me and other people, such as role models, social networking, the media, and entertainment.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Reflection Proposal

College is a very special time in a person's life. It's a time for change, for growth, and for meeting new people. Even if someone is extremely rigid in their beliefs before coming to college, chances are they will change at least a little bit. Views change, perceptions widen, and so many doors are opened for you. I think I want to write my reflection on friendship. I have a best friend in NYC that I met in my sophomore year of high school and we went through a lot together. My other best friend I met early this year and even though we haven't known each other for that long, we're still best friends. I want to discuss and probe the idea of what it means to be best friends with someone, and the different situations they can arise from. I'm going to include narrative and dialogue, and possibly breaks in the paper between the two people and how I met them. I might also want to introduce the topic of the frailty of friendships and how over time you become more secure that they're safe and going to last. I might want to talk about how they involve shared interested and attitudes toward life, but in other cases, polar opposites can work totally well too. There's also going to be a part about when you don't need to make a new best friend and when in life it's good to, and why. The paper is more speculative than answering an actual question, and it's going to involve a lot of narrative about when I realized I was best friends with them. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out yet but that's the gist of it.

On a side note, uhoh...


  1. I'm somewhat jealous I didn't come up with this lol. I realize that you don't really want to limit yourself in your proposal so you're throwing several ideas out there, but for the paper you should maybe narrow the ideas down by a couple. otherwise, I think they are all great ideas, particularlly how you're going to examine your own friendships and then essentially the pros and cons of friendships (why they are needed/their frailty).

  2. I agree and think that maybe you should narrow down your ideas so that you have a more focused paper. All of the ideas are good though and I could see you using all of these ideas to write a really interesting paper. Dialogue would be the best thing for this topic, especially important conversations between you and your best friend. Overall, great topic.

  3. I like this topic. One thing you need to make sure is you don't confuse the reader when you are switching between talking about both of your best friends. Otherwise, I agree with the previous comments and think you could do a lot with this.

  4. I think this is an awesome paper idea! I think you can definitely do a lot with this topic. I think a lot of people in college can really relate and will be very interested by this paper. I know I have definitely seen/noticed my old friendship from high school changing and my new friendships from college growing. I agree with everyone else though, maybe narrow it a little bit because it seems like this paper might become a little unfocused if you try to jump from point to point and that could be somewhat confusing to your readers. Or if you don't want to narrow it just make sure you have really good transitions and explain things well.
